Hillary Clinton Might Have The Ultimate Revenge On President Donald Trump By Adding VP To Her Impressive Résumé


Posted By - Marcia Kelsey




The world of politics is shocked to hear the rattling news on Saturday that billionaire Mike Bloomberg, who is running for the post of president, took the name of  Hillary Clinton, the former first lady and 2016 Democratic nominee as the vice president. Adding VP To Her Impressive Résumé According To New Bombshell Report — Is This The Ultimate Revenge Against President Donald Trump? The whole world is currently looking at the red hot topic.

From a reliable source of Bloomberg’s campaign, Drudge Report spots that the Bloomberg-Clinton ticket won’t have a light impact in politics as they are quite a formidable force.

Close source tells media outlet that it is true that Bloomberg campaigners have told DRUDGE REPORT that Mike Bloomberg has picked Hillary Clinton as the vice president after the polling clearly showed them to be a formidable force.

Hillary Clinton did not speak a word directly addressing the matter in front of media but she came to the show of the comedian Ellen DeGeneres who threw the questing asking clearly if she would be happy to the vice president.

The former secretary of the States stated that it could not happen. She continued saying that she was not supposed to say never but it was something that might not happen.

After some racial comments made by the former mayor of New York, Bloomberg has apologized to stop spreading the controversy by saying that he did not understand the pain and he should have acted upon his mistake sooner.

He revealed that he got to hear the stories and understood the pain and their trouble, their anger and confusion. He learnt from those events and grew to be a better man. He promised as president of the United States, will strip down the whole system that is biased and discriminated.

He is willing to invest in communities that were not properly taken care of for generations. It is at the utmost priority. He says that words cannot define what he feels and intends to offer for the nation. He is sorry for the pain his words or actions cost. it is hectic to lead the most popular city in the nation and the public should judge him by the things he has given.