Ryan, Salma And Samuel Are Appearing Again With The Sequel, ‘Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard’


Posted By - Marcia Kelsey




Image Credit – BBC


Ryan Reynolds, Salma Hayek, and Samuel L Jackson are eagerly waiting for their upcoming movie ‘Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard’ and which is releasing next week. However, the film is already slated by critics.

It is a sequel to the previous action-comedy movie ‘Hitman’s Bodyguard’ which was a surprise hit in 2017.

While some critics explained, the movie is not meant to be taken seriously rather made to be enjoyed by everyone. But it still managed to impress many in a negative way.

Derek Smith has given a one-star review and said, “Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard improves on its predecessor only insofar as it runs 20 minutes shorter.”

New casting is also made for the move as Morgan Freeman and Antonio Banderas have united.

Alonso Duralde said that the star-casting did not make it any better as director Patrick Hughes “made a movie even more negligible and forgettable than the first one”.

He further added, “Hitman’s Wife Bodyguard is a comedy with not one legitimate laugh, and an action movie where cars keep blowing up while the A-listers yell at each other, as though that were inherently amusing or entertaining.”

The Hollywood Reporter’s famous reporter Jon Defore said, the “display no interest in how credible characters – even cartoonishly exaggerated comic ones – might really behave under circumstances like these, which wouldn’t be so bad if the movie were funnier.”

He also added, “But its occasional laughs drown in a sea of action-comedy tropes that have been stale for decades. These actors deserve much better, and so do their fans.”

A little positive word came from Pete Hammond who said, “Nevertheless, this dynamic trio gives it their all, are guaranteed a nice payday and accordingly fire on all cylinders. For those who want to submit to this brand of mayhem, our stars make it more fun than it should be.”

Matt Goldberg said, “The film’s priority is getting laughs, and to be fair, it elicits a consistent chuckle if not anything particularly memorable,” he continued. “Not every movie has to be a lasting classic or even leave much of an impact. Sometimes it’s about having a good time.”

Hammond said, “Shout-out to Lionsgate for putting this exclusively in theatres on 16 June. As an excuse to help wake up the multiplex, we welcome anything.”

The movie will be in the theatres from next week.