$500 Quadrillion for Afro Reparations


Rev Christina Clement 2024 President of USA Candidate

President Candidate Christina Clement submits Proposals

(Switching Fashion Editorial):- New York City, New York Jun 24, 2024 (Issuewire.com) – Independent Presidential Candidate Christina Clement Proposes Historic Reparations Plan to United Nations called the “State of Loc Nation Justice and Restitution Fund*

Today, Rev. Christina Clement is proud to unveil the State of Loc Nation Justice and Restitution Fund, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at empowering and uplifting communities affected by historical injustices. This historic fund, totaling an unprecedented $500 Quadrillion, marks a significant commitment to justice, equity, and community prosperity.

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The State of Loc Nation Justice and Restitution Fund will be strategically allocated across various critical initiatives to address systemic disparities and foster sustainable development within affected communities. Here’s how the funds will be distributed towards affected communities nationally and internationally:

· S.O.L.N Healthcare Fund: will be dedicated to healthcare initiatives, ensuring equitable access to quality medical services and addressing long-standing health disparities through culturally sensitive approaches.

· S.O.L.N Economic Development Fund: will support economic empowerment programs, including grants and loans tailored for Afro, Indigenous, Aboriginal, Native and Loc Nationite businesses, aimed at fostering sustainable economic growth and entrepreneurship.

· S.O.L.N Family Trusts Fund: will establish family trusts, providing financial stability and enabling generational wealth accumulation within affected communities, thereby fostering long-term economic resilience.

· S.O.L.N Educational Programs Fund: will be allocated to educational initiatives, including scholarships, curriculum development, and infrastructure improvements, to enhance educational outcomes and opportunities.

· S.O.L.N Alternative Medicine Fund: will fund research and increase accessibility to alternative medicine and holistic health practices, addressing diverse health needs and preferences within the community.

· S.O.L.N Veteran Care Fund: will support veterans within these communities, ensuring they receive the care, services, and recognition they rightfully deserve for their contributions.

The proposal will require cooperation and contributions from nations and entities historically involved in the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Clement urges international solidarity and commitment to this unprecedented effort, emphasizing the shared responsibility to rectify past injustices. “Accountability also must be within when it is also required.” said Clement.

1. European Colonial Powers (5 entities):

– Entities: Portugal, Spain, France, Britain, Netherlands

– Payout: Each entity pays $35.7 quadrillion and land cessions.

2. African States and Kingdoms (5 entities):

– Entities: Asante Empire, Dahomey Kingdom, Oyo Empire, Kingdom of Kongo, Kingdom of Ndongo

– Payout: Each entity pays $35.7 quadrillion and land cessions.

3. American Colonies/States (4 entities):

– Entities:

– Brazil (Portuguese colony): pays $35.7 quadrillion and land cessions.

– Caribbean colonies: British, French, Dutch: Each pays $35.7 quadrillion and land cessions.

– United States: pays $35.7 quadrillion and land cessions.

Clement’s vision for the State of Loc Nation Justice and Restitution Fund underscores a commitment to transformative change, aiming not only to rectify historical injustices but also to build resilient, empowered communities capable of shaping their futures. By strategically investing in healthcare, economic empowerment, education, alternative medicine, veteran care and land cessions, Clement aims to create a sustainable and equitable path forward for all members of the affected communities.

For more information on the State of Loc Nation Justice and Restitution Fund, please visit www.stateoflocnation.com; read Revealed the Kingdom of Locs Nazirite Vow Continues Volume 1, 2 and 3 on Amazon.com; Review Case 1:24 cv 00479-RC with the District Court of Columbia where a ” Writ of Mandamus” was filed on 6/21/2024.

The distribution of these funds will be overseen by a transparent and accountable S.O.L.N governance structure, ensuring that resources are equitably distributed and effectively utilized to achieve meaningful and lasting impact.

“This plan represents a crucial step towards healing and justice for communities impacted by centuries of systemic injustice,” said Christina Clement, emphasizing the importance of addressing historical wrongs to build a more equitable future.

For more information and to support Christina Clement’s campaign, please visit www.stateoflocnation.com and/or www.christinalorenclement.com


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Proposal presented to [email protected] Response to Executive Order 2024-1 Black Reparations Task Force and Agenda

Proposal presented also to [email protected]response to Fulton Reparations Task Force 

Proposal presented in response to California Assembly Bill 3121 California Reparations Task Force [email protected]

Proposal presented in response to Detroit Reparations Task Force [email protected]

Proposal presented in response to Boston Reparations Task Force [email protected]

Proposal presented in response to Philadelphia Reparations Task Force [email protected]

Proposal also presented to the various entities and organizations below: 

1. United States: 

– Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act (H.R. 40): This bill proposes establishing a commission to study and develop reparation proposals for African-Americans, focusing on slavery and its aftermath.

2. United Kingdom: 

– Caribbean Reparations Commission: Formed in 2013, this commission represents Caribbean governments and organizations advocating for reparations from European countries involved in the slave trade.

3. Germany: 

– Foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future”: Although not specifically a reparations task force, this foundation was established to provide compensation to forced laborers and survivors of Nazi persecution during World War II.

4. South Africa: 

– Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC): While not solely focused on reparations, the TRC was established to address the injustices of apartheid and included recommendations for reparations to victims.

5. Brazil: 

– Comissão Nacional da Verdade (National Truth Commission): Created in 2011, this commission investigated human rights violations committed during Brazil’s military dictatorship, including recommendations for reparations.

6. Canada: 

– National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls: Although not a traditional reparations task force, this inquiry addressed systemic issues and injustices faced by Indigenous women and girls, with calls for reparations-like measures.

7. Caribbean Community (CARICOM): 

– CARICOM Reparations Commission: Established by Caribbean heads of government in 2013 to demand reparations from former European colonizers for native genocide and slavery.

8. United Nations: 

– Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent: This UN body examines the problems of racial discrimination faced by people of African descent globally, including issues related to reparations.

9. Various Local and Regional Initiatives: 

– Numerous local and regional organizations, advocacy groups, and academic institutions have proposed or established reparations task forces or commissions to address historical injustices and advocate for reparative justice.

Biography of Rev. Dr. Christina Clement

HH Empress Queen Christina Clement, also known as Rev. Dr. Christina Clement, is a distinguished leader, humanitarian, and advocate for peace, justice, and social equity. She is renowned for her authorship of ” Locs linked to Spirituality”; “Revealed: The Kingdom of Locs Nazirite Vow Continues Volume 1-3,” which explores locs’ rich history and spiritual significance. Her work includes “5 Star Loc Salon,” promoting cultural diversity; spirituality teachings and loc art. As a 2024 presidential candidate of the United States, she champions social justice and economic empowerment. Her legal pursuit in the District of Columbia case 1:24 cv 00479-RC underscores her commitment to reparative justice. Through her leadership, she bridges divides and inspires global change, focusing on Afro, Indigenous, Aboriginal, and Native communities’ solutions which will be the solution for all.

 State of Loc Nation Majority Law: An Act of Restitution for kidnapping during the illegal Trans-Atlantic Slave trade and the genocide aftermath: United States Code Title 47, Section 326; Title 18, Section 241 and 242; First Amendment to the United States Constitution; “…or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” International law: 

Article 25 of the ICCPR states:

  • “Every citizen shall have the right and the opportunity, without any of the distinctions mentioned in article 2 and without unreasonable restrictions: (a) To take part in the conduct of public affairs, directly or through freely chosen representatives; (b) To vote and to be elected at genuine periodic elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret ballot, guaranteeing the free expression of the will of the electors; (c) To have access, on general terms of equality, to public service in his country.”

Article 21 of the UDHR states:

  • “Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.
  • Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country.
  • The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.”



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Source :Clement Proposes $500 Quadrillion in Reparations

This article was originally published by IssueWire. Read the original article here.